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Our Products

Find the Perfect Balance and Quality

Incredible finishes

High productivity

Adequate quality

Explore the possibilities 

Why Shurez?

It is a 100% electric and automatic plotter for medium and large productions, providing high speed and reliability. Designed to meet the needs of major commercial brands and capable of handling large orders of sublimation. It executes actions guided by a precision head, ensuring the quality of the final result. Having a Shurez Plooter in your company will help you grow more easily and quickly.

We combine technology and infrastructure

Our approach is to provide high-performance Information Technology services that can scale according to the changing needs of our clients. We use a variety of platforms and software to create solutions.

Raccoon UV Printer Mongoose 1074 Mongoose 1078 Rooster S2402

Latest New

Posted on April 20, 2022

The potential of sublimation

Gain a competitive advantage and offer a wider set of improved capabilities

Experience improved productivity, reduced maintenance time and high impression throughput with access to programs that offer savings on print heads and expedited support.

Fast return on investment

Incredibly low running costs, optimized ink usage and fast turnaround times result in a quick return on investment for your business. Expand your customer base by offering a wide range of applications and materials.

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